vineri, 6 noiembrie 2009

The Sun's touch

A strike of the Sun’s beams can be a bliss, but also blinding. When it wakes you up in the morning after a deep dark night, it blades your eyes and awakens you to reality. At first you find yourself overwhelmed by the confusing experience but soon you begin to appreciate the colours around you, luxuriating in your senses.

As the time passes by, the ravishing rays become warmer and warmer until they turn into a hot touch upon your skin, feeling a slight burn. The initial endearment transforms itself into a harmful feel that tends to melt you down if you don’t realise its power. Then the only thing you desire is to get away from the heated beams that tear you apart and bathe you in a state of unconsciousness. If you sink into the melting wave you will find yourself restrained from the real beauty and happiness and it will be almost impossible to overcome it... and if you do, by the time you get out you’ll be so dehydrated that you will need another sleep in the deep dark night to recover.

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