vineri, 8 aprilie 2011


Norii grei, de plumb, ustura vederea si macina sufletul inmiresmat de sentimente crescande.
Norii grei apasa fiintele dedesubtul lor si le satura de gri, de aerul apos. Nodul din inima se sparge odata ce cade prima raza si le topeste invelisul cristalin al spiritului lor. Se descatuseaza fiecare gand, iar in acelasi timp se inabuseste fiecare dorinta a ceea ce va opri caldura care va curge din razele ce vor cadea unele dupa altele,incalzind, apoi arzand la scrumul sentimentelor. Praful, format din particule ce, ca orice fir nelegat, se imprastie pretutindeni, mai devreme sau mai tarziu se va risipi in bataia vantului. 

Dar daca din cenusa renaste pasarea sufletului? 

luni, 25 octombrie 2010

Semintele, sursa neaosa de inspiratie

Omu' nostru cu o cutie-n fata si cu alta-n mana se delecteaza cu hrana sufletului neaos izvoratoare de idei filozofice. Cu ochii usor inchisi, transpus pe jumatate intr-o lume ideativa extraterestra si pe cealalta jumatate intr-o lume reala prin care-si confirma prezenta prin introducerea mainii cu o fermitate specifica starii de lehamite in cutia cu roadele florii-soarelui, isi duce unduitor mana cu samanta apetisanta spre gura, unde cu o tenacitate nebanuita o dezbraca de carcasa - materializarea aparentelor vietii - si zdrobeste esenta facand-o una cu dansul. Aparentele sunt scuipate din capul lui cu o bolta demna de analiza stiintifica: o traiectorie curbilinie perfecta. Este inimaginabil cum un asemenea gest de cateva secunde este generator de raspunsuri la problemele sale existentiale in imediatele momente, in timp ce se uita cu o oarecare scarba la cealalta cutie plina de imagini si cu emanatii de sunete care-i irita auzul si care-i suiera din cand in cand "25%" si alte cuvinte ce tin de estropierea bunastarii.

La cvarii stimuli externi neuronii omului nostru, odata aflati intr-o miscare browniana, s-au stabilizat, iar celulele cenusii jubileaza in timp ce se restabilesc sinapsele resuscitate de seminte. S-a trezit! Gandeste!

vineri, 25 iunie 2010


Since the beginning of Ancient times, dreams were supposed to offer an answer to man's problems, but were they always relevant?

Nowadays we have sciences such as psychology and psychiatry which study this phenomenon and offer plausible explanations to our "virtual" images, thus unconventional interpretation (from the esoteric point of view) does strike some people's interest.

Psycho-analytically speaking, dreams show:
  • A conflict between unconscious and conscious drives, motivations, and desires.
  • The origin of a deep-seated fear, immaturity, or conflict.
  • Areas where we are wrong, not-adapted, or out of balance.
  • Us important information, clarify emotions, or even provide an analysis of a situation.
  • May warn us of the possible consequences if we continue on in our current direction.
  • Areas of meaning or offer us a glimpse into the plan and calling of God for our lives.
  • Help you pray more effectively or take upon yourself a burden that's on the heart of God.
  • Can challenge us to a higher level of personal and spiritual maturity.
  • May speak to us in a similar manner to prophecy as being predictive of current or future events regarding people, situations, organizations, regions, and nations.
  • Recurrent dreams or nightmares may point toward an unresolved area which we are ignoring. So they continue until we act to resolve what the dream reveals about us.
as to Robert Winer, M.D. Moreover, Sigmund Freud reffered to dreams as “royal road to (...) the unconscious” that is a wish fulfillment and sustained this theory to the end, even though the idea of all dreams having sexual content faded and eventually gave it up.

Therefore, we should look into our problems through our night insight-investigations. In order to do so, we must rationally decrypt our subconscious and seek solutions. This can either be done by you, by somebody you trust or by a professional.

However, this type of dream interpretation may be unsatisfactory to some more inclined to the esoteric interpretation and even wish to find the answer to future. For those interested in this field, a list of most frequent symbols will clarify their doubts in the following sequences.

TRAIN/ TRAM/ BUS - symbolises the road you are on, your chances.
- you must analise the situation: whether you missed it, you are already in it or if you left it.

WOMEN, CHILDREN, DOGS - usually symbolise bad luck

TREES - enemies

BLOOD - news

KILLING - victory

DEAD RESURRECTING - good sign, expect a problem to be solved

MEAT/FLESH - illness, probable death or misfortune

CRYING(you) - happiness

For further (unconventional) dream interpretation, I would be glad to answer to your questions or find out for yourself by accessing  (Romanian).

Sleep tight!

This article may contain information not owned by this blog's author, but of,%20Visions,%20and%20Prophecy/Dream%20Interpretation.htm.

sâmbătă, 19 iunie 2010

Ganduri adunate intr-un cos de flori

Crema de zahar ars, tiramusu, mare, briza, soare, culori, ochi inchisi sub o atingere fina... acestea sunt lucrurile la care nu ar trebui sa ma gandesc in momentul de fata, in pragul examenelor si mai mult, la 12.20 a.m. Dar uneori simturile sunt mai puternice decat ratiunea si in momente de delir ale vietii umane sunt permise devierile onirice.

Gustul de ciocolata mi-a ramas intiparit pe buze si in minte, iar somnul si-a luat demult adio de la mine.

Un moment de singuratate in febra intunericului imi trezeste, de asemenea, vibratia unui dans nebun cu pasi care sar in cer si care nu se mai opresc.

Imi sfaraie la ureche bulele reci de sampanie care se sparg cand se intalnesc cu aerul cald de vara.

Simt o mana prin par si un miros de Dior Homme Sport. Si nu, nu e Jude Law care ma ia prin surprindere...

Mai mult decat atat, devierile se indreapta catre nisipul de sub picioare, pe care-l simt ca se sfarama sub presiunea corpului si se duce direct in mare. Ah, involburarea valurilor, sunetul prelung al apei rebele, stropii care ajung pe fata...

Seara, apus, liniste, plimbari si deodata: muzica! Da, da, da... ne intoarcem de unde am plecat: un dans neincetat pana la ruperea noptii prin raze de soare, un spirit salbatic pana in maduva oaselor.

vineri, 4 decembrie 2009



Prin sticla rece un strigat se aduna,
De tacere frunze mor
Lasand patima-n tarana,
Orice fior de gand va inceta sa suna.

Din guri de foc petrol zvacneste
Mintea nu mai creste,
Mii de ulii se nasc si se presara
Pe popice moarte-n gara!
Vivid din vid rasare
O flama plina de ocara
Mistuind sublimul lumii in negare.
Si mangaie pe cap pe Brutus,
Din fir de fum se-ajunge Notus...

marți, 10 noiembrie 2009

Firea umana

Firea umana este realmente simpla;mintea umana, insa este complexa.

Toti ne nastem cu un temperament, care prin educatie acesta este modelat, iar impreuna cu setul de valori dobandit de-a lungul timpului, acesta se transforma in caracter. Dar asta banuiesc ca nu e o noutate, asa ca nu ar trebui sa continui cu aspecte arhicunoscute.

Ce ne face sa fim oameni? In primul rand sentimentele, apoi defectele. Am auzit persoane spunand ca si animalele au suflet, au sentimente, dar tin sa le contrazic. Sufletul reprezinta partea metafizica a omului, aceea care poate transcede in planuri cu vibratie inalta prin cunoastere. Ce pot cunoaste animalele daca nu doar instinctele si concretul? Ele nu au capacitatea de a discerne ce e bine si ce e rau decat in ceea ce priveste un pericol imediat, foamea, nevoia de reproducere. Singura forma de asa-zis "sentiment" este afectivitatea, de care orice fiinta are nevoie si se situeaza la mijlocul piramidei trebuintelor. Pentru a putea ajunge in varful acesteia, la trebuinta de autorealizare, de cunoastere, ei bine, pentru asta iti trebuie sufletul care iti da impulsul sentimentului de satisfactie si setea de a fi in posesia informatiilor pentru a detine puterea si nu in ultimul rand, mintea. Dar mintea si sufletul nu sunt doua entitati distincte, ele sunt un intreg. Am putea sa experimentam anumite trairi sau sa analizam situatii sau evenimente daca nu am avea valorile morale (care sunt date, in fine, de partea sufleteasca a omului) si capacitatea de a discerne mesajele transmise, consecintele acestora (prin minte)? Bineinteles ca nu. Animalele nu au valori morale, principii, idei, nu au capacitatea de a constientiza gravitatea anumitor fapte. Ele actioneaza dupa instinct.

Cu toate acestea, mai exista si exceptii: exista si oameni a caror denumire poate fi validata doar din punct de vedere biologic, nu si social sau moral. Acestia nu au constiinta, element integrant al omului, ci actioneaza strict din propriile interese. Evident, cu totii actionam si vom actiona conform nevoilor noastre, intereselor, dar se tine cont de oarecare principii.

Cum nu e bine ca persoanele sa fie judecate dupa aparente, atunci trebuie sa urmarim sa gasim cauzele faptelor lor. Asa-zisele persoane "fara caracter" nu trebuie totalmente dispretuite, ci compatimite, desi "mila este practicarea nihilismului", conform cu Schopenhauer. De cele mai multe ori, cauzele caracterului lor deficitar se trag din copilarie, din lipsa anumitor valori morale sau a afectivitatii ori ambele. Nu mica ne este mirarea cand vedem ca persoane cu principii calca stramb, asa ca la ce sa ne asteptam de la cei din jur? Tindem sa fim indulgenti cu adolescentii, spunand ca inca nu sunt formati si ca au gresit. Se pare ca adolescenta este perioada in care se formeaza caracterul unei persoane, iar daca viata si valorile morale sunt vazute ca o joaca, ca niste norme ce ingradesc libertatea de exprimare si de actiune, individul respectiv tinde sa urmeze acest motto toata viata. Tin sa mentionez ca si acest aspect este discutabil, dar prefer sa raman la nota generala.

>To be continued...<

sâmbătă, 7 noiembrie 2009

Generally speaking

I am writing with grape ink on snowpaper in my bed of dreams. I am watching how the ink is dripping slowly onto the white sheets melting them not with heat, but with its inert and cold substance. It rather presses it, sinking deeply into the white matter, like my thoughts. I see it drifting away, leaving a slight mark on the sheets that lay under the snowpaper. I realise that the mark will no longer be there after it will be washed by water and foam. But then, the sheets won't have it, as the foam erased it and took it into its molecular structure. Once removed, it will get through water in an unknown place.

You see, our thoughts resemble the ink. From an idea they travel into the pen, onto a piece of paper on which they leave signs in order for others to see and aknowledge the work you've been doing. Then, exactly as the foam removes the ink, the ideas transform themselves into another form: the actions. This is the way man can or can not make a change in his or the others' lives. However, changes last more or less. sooner or later a tide will come and wash it all away. But it won't disappear, it will be found in another form, metamorphosed into some other time dimension or location. Moreover, it is well known that in physics energy is conserved. Aren't thoughts a form of energy? A vibration that sets in motion actions, plans and even life itself? Doesn't life conclude energy? Unfortunately, only thoughts are not enough to please life, determination is needed. Hopes are not the ones that make life better, but the will, the dreams, the aspirations. It's true, hope dies last, so let it die last as long as aspirations die least. Hope is the feeling that can easily and painfully transform itself into illusion if the causes of this feeling are not realistic or misinterpreted. The man must have the ability of balancing the facts given so that he can't be fooled by some random vibration which slipped into his mind. That is why aspirations get fulfilled, as for hopes - close to a negative infinity. Why hope when you can aspire? Why hide under the bed when you can come up front and face the problem? Why stay in materialistic confort, but stand the misery when you can fly through wind and rain and reach the peak of the mountain? Oh, the view... the joy... C'est liberte...It's the sense of acomplishment, given by power. But what is power given by? The drive... But the drive? By aspirations. What about aspirations? They are given by the desire of the thought of having that probable feeling, of that state of being, implictly generated by the inner self, the battleship that strives for its ideals, principles and values.

Sower, thus sweet, it's grape ink.